For us at Nevotex, sustainability and the environment are not only important when it comes to the production of our products. But also in the choices we make when it comes to energy and food that we use at our facility.
We therefore buy renewable electricity from Tranås Energi’s own electricity production. The electricity is produced in the three hydropower plants in Ydre and in the biofuel-fired cogeneration plant in Tranås.
The entire production is labelled Good Environmental Choice and the greatest possible consideration is given to nature and biodiversity. An example of this is that all hydropower plants have fauna passages, which allow the fish to move freely past the plants and follow their natural life cycles. Another example is that all wood chips used in the combined heat and power plant come from the forests in Tranå’s neighbourhood and all the ash left behind is returned to the forest to nourish growing trees.
This is something we are very proud of.
If you want to read more about what we buy from Tranås Energi, you can click here and do it on their website:
In the picture you can see Visskvarn hydropower station, one of the power plants that produces our electricity.