As a leading supplier and manufacturer within our field, we take quality and sustainability issues seriously – both in terms of our products and manufacturing methods and our processes and working methods. We know that every little helps, even if the results only become clear further down the road.

We are certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, and work continuously with improvements in line with the UN’s global goals for sustainable development. We are also verified for ISO 26000:2021. Within the international standard for corporate social responsibility, we are currently focusing on seven of the UN’s global goals:
3 Good health and well-being.
5 Gender equality.
7 Sustainable energy for all.
8 Decent work and economic growth.
10 Reduced inequality.
12 Sustainable consumption and production.
13 Fight climate change.

In all, we have selected twelve areas where we believe we have the potential to make a sustainable difference:
> No poverty
> Zero hunger
> Good health and well-being
> Quality education
> Gender equality
> Clean water and sanitation
> Decent work and economic growth u
> Reduced inequalities
> Responsible consumption and production
> Climate action
> Life below water
> Life on land
Would you like to find out more about our sustainability and quality work?
Then please e-mail sustainability@nevotex.se
Please read our latest report regarding the work we at Nevotex are doing within the sustainability perspectives.
At Nevotex, we are incredibly proud of our sustainability work.
Therefore, we are glad that in the beginning of 2023 we had the honor of doing an interview with Scandinavian Mind, about our ongoing work. Follow the link below and share the results!
På Nevotex värderar vi trivsel på arbetsplatsen högt. Därför använder vi oss av ett visselblåsarsystem där man kan rapportera misstankar om missförhållanden inom verksamheten.
Vill du rapportera en misstanke? Klicka här.